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Collection: Dog collar

Buy dog ​​collars for dogs at MyDreamPet

At MyDreamPet we are proud to be able to offer you dog collars for your dog from an exclusive selection. We have both collars in quality leather, durable nylon and of course both for small and large dogs. Common to all our dog collars is that they guarantee good materials and durable quality.

If there is a dog collar we don't have in stock or if there is something very specific you want, you are always welcome to contact us and we will see what we can do for you.

Until then, you can take a look at our selection of Handmade dog collars in genuine leather , from Cloud7

What is the best dog collar for dogs?

How long should the dog collar be? What is the best dog collar varies a lot from dog to dog, and is also a question of what quality the dog collar should be, what size the dog collar should be, what color the dog collar should be and so on.

These are the first 3 questions that must be answered before finding the right dog collar.

Once the 3 questions have been answered, you will definitely have the right dog collar in your hand, and not before. At MyDreamPet we have a wide selection of very high quality dog ​​collars, and there are dog collars in all sizes and for all dog breeds.

Dog collar

How big should a dog collar be?

Some dog breeds require dog collars with extra length, and at MyDreamPet we also have them in stock. The large dog breeds that have a wide collar need a large dog collar with extra length, and preferably a dog collar that is also wider than a dog collar for the small dog breeds.

You have to be aware of that when you are looking for dog collars and have a large breed of dog.

How wide should a dog collar be?

How wide should a dog collar really be? In the first place, it depends entirely on the size of the dog. As a general rule, you can say that if you have a small dog, then it should be a narrow dog collar and if you have a large dog, then it should be a wide dog collar. Fortunately, it is possible to find both parts with us.

Is there a fashion in dog collars?

Is there a fashion in dog collars? Some people will say yes there is, others will say no there isn't. We will leave it up to the individual to judge, but a dog collar that fits the dog's fur, or perhaps the dog's leash?

Many may switch between several dog collars, so that there is both one for the trip to the beach, where the leather dog collar is not good, and a nylon dog collar is better, or a trip to the city, where both dog collar and dog leash must match.

If you have a dog with long fur, we recommend that you choose our round dog collar in braided leather, as it wears far less on your dog's fur than completely flat collars.

Get your dog collar delivered - both in Denmark and Europe.

We always work hard to get your item shipped as quickly as possible. We send packages most weekdays and some Saturdays. We ship with GLS and have very good experiences with their delivery times.

If you live in Stenløse or the surrounding area, you also have the option of ordering online and picking up your item from our warehouse by appointment.

Look around and find just the dog collar that suits your dog.

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